Sunday, September 2, 2018

Men want a load to bear

David Deida, in Way of the Superior Man, says the priority of the masculine is its mission and the priority of the feminine is the flow of love.  In this case, I'm going to specifically say that I'm referencing the approximately 80% of men that have a masculine essence (estimate from the aforementioned book in chapter 23).  I don't have any idea how scientific that number is - I take the number as much more true than not true in that most men have a masculine core.  For the purpose of this post, I'm going to use the "men" to reference the 80% of men with masculine cores. 

For these men, they find meaning in their work.  They find meaning in what they do.  Family is not what drives them.  And the difficult thing in progressive society is that we are taught that being a kind, gentle father (or member of society) is what will bring us joy.  This is not true.  Men strive.  Men hunt.

Men want a load to bear.  The load comes in the form of responsibilities.  Striving towards a goal means that a man must take on the characteristics of his inner-hero that will bear the weight of the world on his shoulders.  To bear this load, a man learns keep his ego in check, determine his own self worth, focus, and lead.  There's a power that comes from the inner character that is built when men develop their inner-hero.  The inner-hero is a fighter; he is a warrior.  Men find their meaning in the struggle.

When men are taught feminine goal setting of comfort, love, and family - they don't develop their character and priorities in ways that align with their core.  There's nothing wrong with being a softer man if the man his truly happy.  But men aren't happy.  Boys are unmotivated.  Men are unsure of their place in the world.  Women increasingly see men as boys who navigate life in an insecure way.

The answer is a return to the roots of masculinity taught from man to man.  In a way that I can't explain, the exact same concepts taught by a woman will not land the same way on a man.  I don't know if that's misogyny, but it's a fact.  The concepts are about ownership over one's self, drive, determination, stoicism, self-reliance, and many other masculine traits.  Men are built to bear a load.  If we teach boys and men how to bear a load, they become the men that nature wanted us to be.  It's the ability to shoulder that burden with pride, humility, and strength that makes a man.

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