Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Men embrace discomfort

The masculine drive is to accomplish things.  Men are compelled to achieve by their DNA.  It goes back to the alpha male concept - by achieving status and constantly looking to improve, men are increasing their chances of survival because ascending the dominance hierarchy is a survival strategy.

So if men have an inner drive to achieve things, two things need to happen:
1) Men need to taught how this works and what this feels like
2) Men need to embrace discomfort

When I say men need to be taught what this feels like, I'm really referencing masculine role models.  Masculine role models provide a template for navigating a world of challenges and steeling one's self against the challenges that will come.  I'm referencing the iron backbone that is a unique part of being male.  The iron backbone is part iron in that it's tough, but it's also part backbone in that it's courage.  When a man has learned from male role models how to navigate the world, he has the tools to persevere through pain.  To re-tool and re-engage in the face of failure.  In short, he learns that he has power in relentless pursuit of his goals.

The second thing men need is to embrace discomfort.  This is where I think 21st century America hurts men.  There's comfort everywhere - food, TV, porn, video games, phones.  Things are handed to us.  We're removing discomfort from life.  But is it good?  Comfort leads to complacency.  Complacency leads to mediocrity.  Discomfort is a good thing for men. Pushing one's comfort zone is scary.  It induces a fear response - fear of the unknown.  Fear is something that men need to handle - not avoid.  Men put an artificial ceiling on what they can be if they shrink away from fear and discomfort.

The best things in life are hard to get.  This has always been true.  In order for a man to pursue his wants, he must be willing to do hard things.  Not only does he need to do hard things, but he wants to do hard things.  He wants to achieve things and face dragons in the process.  It's in his DNA.  But with 21st century comforts and fewer masculine role models, men are increasingly wary of discomfort.  This hurts men and it hurts the world.  Even without proper role models, men should go forward into pain and discomfort.  As hard as it is in the short term, it makes men better men.

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